At Bella Vida Magazine, we are inspired by those who truly exemplify the term living a beautiful life. Joseph Bradford III is one of those individuals who was determined to make a profound impact on the lives of others and is doing so every day with his organization, B.A.R.E. Truth.
At a very young age, Joseph’s mother and his siblings became homeless when their family home burned down and they had nowhere to turn. His mother, while very young herself, always managed to find shelter and food for her children. And although they had help, Joseph, being the oldest boy, became a sort of father figure in his family, looking after everyone and making sure they were taken care of. This radical change in his life and the lives of those he loved left a lasting impact that fuels his passion for helping others today.
Moving to Los Angeles, Joseph could not look away when he saw people on the streets. He had a burning desire to know them and why they became homeless. This then led to helping those individuals with what they needed at that moment and has grown into an organization that houses, feeds and educates, lifts people up and mentors the youth to garner the attention of the Mayor of Los Angeles giving his organization an award of recognition for their work to help the homeless during hurricanes that recently hit the city.
Bella Vida Magazine is proud to honor Joseph and B.A.R.E. Truth organization for their outstanding contributions to the city of Los Angeles, those in need and to helping make the world a more beautiful, kind and compassionate place to live.
You can read his full interview in our Holiday issue at issuu.com/bellavidamagazine. We salute their incredible work and hope that you will support their mission as well at https://baretruthinc.org/home.