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Sensitive Skin care answers and tips from Doctors who know.

25 เม.ย. 2019

If you are like me,  you are wary of trying new skincare products because you are afraid of how your skin will react, or overreact, that is.  I understand because I have sensitive skin also, which is why I make sure to be as transparent as possible what skin types will  benefit from certain products, but everyone's skin is different.  If you are unsure if a product is right for you, please email us and we are happy to answer your questions. 

Skin issues can be frustrating.  Here are some answers if you are not sure if you have sensitive skin or how to treat it,  I found a great list of answers to common questions about sensitive skin on WebMD. 

1. What is sensitive skin?

Many people say they have sensitive skin because skin care products, or household products that contact their skin, cause stinging, burning, redness, or tightness. Or they say they have it because even though they have no visible effects after contact with a product, it always makes their skin feel uncomfortable.

But here is what dermatologists look for when diagnosing sensitive skin:

  • Skin reactions such as pustules, skin bumps, or skin erosion
  • Very dry skin which doesn't properly protect nerve endings in the skin
  • A tendency toward blushing and skin flushing

2. What causes sensitive skin reactions?

Causes of sensitive skin reactions include:

  • Skin disorders or allergic skin reactions such as eczemarosacea, or allergic contact dermatitis
  • Overly dry or injured skin that can no longer protect nerve endings, leading to skin reactions
  • Excessive exposure to skin-damaging environmental factors such as sun and wind or excessive heat or cold

Genetic factors, age, gender, and race differences in skin sensitivity are less well-defined but still may play a role in causing skin reactions.

3. Are there medical tests for sensitive skin?

Patch testing may identify signs of allergies that are causing or contributing to sensitive skin. Otherwise, it's difficult for doctors to test for sensitive skin because so many factors can cause it.


4. What are some tips for caring for my sensitive skin, especially on my face?

Cleansing. From one person to the next, sensitive skin responds differently to different cleansing methods. But most dermatologists agree that “deodorant” soap or highly fragranced soap contains strong detergents and shouldn't be used on the face. Soap-free cleansers such as mild cleansing bars and sensitive-skin bars along with most liquid facial cleansers have less potential for facial skin irritation than soaps. The same is true for cleansing creams and disposable facial washcloths (which often contain alcohol and are bad for the environment).

Moisturizing. Moisturizing products help skin hold on to moisture so it resists drying and abrasion. 


5. What should I look for in skin care products that will make them less irritating to sensitive skin?

Specific guidelines are lacking in the medical field. However, more “sensitive skin-friendly” products contain:

  • Only a few ingredients
  • Natural Ingredients, not chemical
  • Little or no synthetic fragrances

If you have sensitive skin, avoid products containing:

  • Antibacterial or deodorant ingredients
  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Retinoids or alpha-hydroxy acids


6.  What types of cosmetics are less irritating to sensitive skin?

If you have sensitive skin, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends the following:


  • Use face powder, which has few preservatives and minimal risk of skin irritation.
  • Use a silicone-based foundation for minimal skin irritation.
  • Do not use waterproof cosmetics; you need a special cleanser to remove them.
  • Use black eyeliner and mascara; they appear to be least allergenic.
  • Use pencil eyeliner and eyebrow fillers; liquid eyeliners may contain latex and may cause an allergic reaction.
  • Throw out old cosmetics after one year or earlier; as they can spoil or become contaminated.


7. With an unfamiliar skin care product, how should I test for a sensitive skin reaction?

Before putting a new product on your skin, do the following:

  • For several days, apply a small amount behind an ear and leave it on overnight.
  • If your skin does not become irritated, follow the same procedure, this time applying the product on an area alongside one of your eyes.
  • If you still don't see irritation, the product should be safe for you to apply on the area of your face which needs the product.

8.  NOTE from Erin at Bella Vida SB: 

I always recommend that if you feel a product would be great for a issue you have on only one part of your face,  do not put the product everywhere.  For example,  I have Sensitive, Combination Skin.  I use my Blueberry Coco Charcoal Mask only on my T-zone 2 times per week and once a week on my whole face to get rid of impurities.  I also use the products for a shorter time periods than recommended so my skin doesn't over dry.  My rule of thumb is,  Better to be safe than sorry...  If you aren't sure,  use Less Product and Less time until you are sure how your skin will react. :) 

For the Full article, visit here at WebMD:

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