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How I treated my Acne (without hurting my skin)

24 abr 2019

As a redhead,  I have very sensitive skin and have always had to protect it from the sun.  I also suffered from cystic acne that was very painful and embarrassing, so I understand what you are going through if you have skin issues.  

I went through all kinds of treatments, usually to no avail.  I was on antibiotics, tried famous Acne treatments I saw on infomercials which dried my skin out and didn't completely help my skin.  I went to several dermatologists who wanted to put me on horrible treatments that had awful side effects.  

I tried acupuncture, diet eliminations, all kinds of treatments to stop my breakouts.  

I finally realized that I was probably just making my skin worse with all I was doing to it.  I threw out all of the soaps and creams and just started washing my face with water only.  Although I did have some minor breakouts,  my major breakouts started to get better.  I was essentially stripping all the natural oils from my skin and my skin had been revolting with breakouts!

I then started to find products that contained oils that wouldn't clog my pores, like Coconut oils and Jojoba Oil.  These nourishing oils helped to replenish the moisture my skin needed while I gently cleansed away bacteria and dirt in my pores.  It might seem odd to use an Oil Cleanser at first,  but they are highly-effective and leave your skin hydrated and glowing instead of dried out, which can actually cause breakouts.

I then discovered Activated Charcoal cleansers and masks.  Charcoal is very misunderstood.  Charcoal is made from burning wood, coconut shells or Bamboo at high temperatures and then steaming it to 'activate' it by making it highly porous.  Then, It is often ground up to a powder.  It is extremely porous, so it can absorb impurities and toxins out of water and skin by attaching to the impurities and then trapping them so you can wash them away!  Activated Charcoal is even used in hospitals to save people's lives who have alcohol poisoning or have overdosed on drugs.  It is a true miracle at how powerful Charcoal is.  

Clay masks have also helped my skin by using them on problem areas.  Since I have combination skin that is oily in my T-zone and dry cheeks,  I use these powerful Clay masks mainly on my T-Zone regularly and once a week on my whole face to remove impurities trapped in the pores from dirt and pollution we all pick up just walking around every day. I created a Charcoal Mask that combines clays, charcoal and oils, made especially for acne prone and sensitive skin, the Bella Vida SB Blueberry Coco Charcoal Mask.

 After I wash it off,  my skin feels so smooth, soft and my acne clears up much faster than I have ever seen and I breakout far less often now.  I then pair a rich moisturizer on my cheeks and wrinkle prone areas, like the Radiant Sunflower Serum, and a very light moisturizer on my problem areas morning and night. 

 I try to rarely eat any kind of processed foods, like junk food or fast food.  Your body needs natural foods to stay healthy and when you feed it things that are not from nature, you might break out in acne since your body does not know how to break down and process chemicals that are not found in nature.  Try to eliminate junk foods, like chips, sodas and candy and fast foods filled with fat, chemicals and preservatives.  

I also drink a lot of water with lemon and fruits to flush toxins out of my body and get vitamins and minerals my body needs to stay healthy and have glowing skin.  My Glass Detox Water Bottles are the perfect way to get hydrated and detox your skin.

When you give your body what it needs to heal on the inside and then pair it with a lot of water, sleep and healthy skincare,  you will start to see your skin clear and glowing!

Now,  I have my skin under control, thankfully!  I am very cautious to use any new products without testing them out first.  I created my skincare line so that everyone can have healthy, clear and beautiful skin!  

Please share your before and after pictures with us by tagging us on Instagram #mybellavidasb or #bellavidasb and we love to celebrate your skin victories!  

Thank you and many blessings to you, Bella!  Erin, Founder XO

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